Want To Enlist In The Military But Have Plantar Warts Or Toenail Fungus? Get Treatment Before Going To MEPS


In order to enlist in the military, you must pass a thorough medical examination. This medical examination is part of the process you'll go through when you go to the military entrance processing station, or MEPS. Most people assume that all disqualifying medical conditions are more serious ones, such as asthma and diabetes. However, there are a bunch of medical conditions that are considered disqualifying conditions due to the fact that having them can make it challenging for the individual to wear their uniform and footwear properly, such as plantar warts and toenail fungus.

16 October 2019

3 Ways To Manage The Pain Of Plantar Fasciitis Without Medication


Plantar fasciitis occurs when the band of tissue running underneath the foot becomes inflamed. Since the problem can cause ongoing pain, relying on medication exclusively is not recommended. There are several strategies to reduce or alleviate the pain associated with plantar fasciitis. 1. Rest And Ice The abrupt onset of plantar fasciitis might occur after an injury or overuse. To help reduce the pain, you may need to give your foot a break until the inflammation subsides.

4 December 2018

What To Expect Heading Into Bunion Surgery


Anyone headed for bunion surgery is likely to have some questions about the procedure and the period after. A bunion surgeon is usually a type of foot and ankle specialist, and the goal is to see that the process will be as fast and effective as the circumstances allow. Let's take a look at what you can expect. Are You a Candidate? Bunion surgery is typically recommended for people who are experiencing significant pain from walking on a foot with a deformity as the result of light everyday activities.

28 October 2018

They're More Than Just Your Feet: Why You Need To See A Podiatrist


If you're like most people, you don't give your feet much thought. They get you from point A to point B, and they look great with shoes on them. In fact, beyond those facts, you might not think about your feet until you're experiencing problems. Unfortunately, you might not know that when you are experiencing problems with your feet, you should schedule an appointment with a podiatrist, which is a specialist for your feet.

23 July 2018

Care For Your Feet And Alter Your Diet If You Are A Diabetic


Poor circulation and swollen feet can be attributed to diabetes and consuming a diet that is high in sugar. If your podiatrist has warned you to alter your diet and take it easy as much as possible so that your feet can recover, the following suggestions will help you with the necessary changes in your daily lifestyle. Soak And Massage Your Feet Hot water and a massage may improve the circulation in your feet and reduce puffiness.

2 May 2018

Two Things Your Cold Feet May Be Trying To Tell You


Many people write off cold feet as a fact of life and do things like wear socks or sleep with a water bottle to try and keep them warm. The reality is persistently cold feet can be a symptom of a greater health problem. Here are two things your frozen footsies may be warning you about. Your Blood Sugar is Continuously Too High Even if you don't develop full-blown diabetes that requires medication to regulate, having chronically high blood sugar levels can do a lot of damage to your body.

28 November 2017

Why Sports-Related Ankle Injuries In Teens Are A Big Deal


When you think about playing sports, you might think that an occasional twisted or sprained ankle is pretty common. It certainly isn't uncommon for teens to injure their ankles while participating in their favorite sports, but this does not mean that these injuries should be ignored. These are a few reasons why sports-related ankle injuries in teens really are a big deal, such as: 1. They're Often Ignored For one thing, you should know that a lot of teens end up trying to ignore their ankle injuries when they get hurt in sports.

1 November 2017